Tesch Tasting Box 2020 & Live Smagning

Tesch Tasting Box 2020 & Live Smagning
Supervin's unikke vingaranti
Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med kvaliteten, tilbyder vi at tage vinen retur. Du refunderes det fulde beløb for vinen, også for den første åbnede flaske. Vi betaler selvfølgelig returfragten. (maks. 1 md. efter levering).
EKSKLUSIV ONLINESMAGNING med en af Tysklands største Riesling-producenter!
Legenden Martin Tesch fra Nahe vil personligt guide dig igennem sin topratede kollektion af kultvine i den forrygende nye årgang 2020.
Praktisk info: Se eller gense smagningen i sin helhed her øverts på siden.
Kassen indeholder: 6 smageflasker samt et elegant hæfte, der introducerer dig for kassens enkeltmarksvine og deres terroirs.
OBS: med 25 cl. i hver flaske har du vin nok til 2-3 personer i hver smagekasse.
Glæd dig til at opleve følgende topvine:
Tesch Riesling Unplugged 2020
“Laserfokus og briliant som frådende guitarsolo…” Suckling er totalt blæst bagover! Tesch Unplugged har for længst opnået kultstatus som et af Tysklands bedste Riesling-køb, og 2020 er den hidtil højest ratede!
93/100 James Suckling
”The focus of a laser beam and the brilliance of a soaring guitar solo make this a remarkable dry Riesling for this category. Wonderful lemon-blossom and lemon-cream aromas, plus a stunning harmony of ripeness of crisp, mineral acidity.”
92/100 The Fine Wine Review
"2020 marks the 20th vintage of Unplugged for Tesch, and the first time it is made entirely from old vines. The nose here is mineral and citric. The body is round, pure, and medium-light with penetrating clarity to the citric and apple, fruit. The wine has depth, penetration, and is electric."
90/100 Robert Parker
"The 2020 Riesling Unplugged opens very discreet yet clear and fresh on the nose. On the palate, this is a vibrantly fresh, dry, round, intense and piquant, straightforward Riesling with stimulating grip on the fresh and citric finish. 12.5% alcohol. Screw cap."
Tesch Riesling Löhrer Berg 2020
James Suckling er helt paf over den nye årgang 2020 af Löhrer Berg og hiver for første gang 94 points op af hatten til den prægtige enkeltmarksvin. Endnu bedre end historiske 2019!
94/100 James Suckling
“This reminds me so much of the lime cordial I drank as a child. So juicy that you don’t need to understand anything about Riesling to have a party with this dry wine. Super balance from beginning to end!”
93/100 The Fine Wine Review
"This is the oldest Riesling site in the Nahe. It was planted completely with Riesling at the end of the 17th century. There is a good natural water supply here, and so there is a more relaxed expression than in the Unplugged. Forest and bush aromas here are complex. The mouth is rounder with more body and chewiness than the Unplugged. The wine is mineral with green apple fruit. The finish is long and the wine shows brilliant clarity and precision."
92/100 Robert Parker
"The 2020 Riesling Löhrer Berg offers a deep yet bright, pure, fresh and substantial nose with leafy and spicy white fruit aromas. Firm and piquant on the palate, this is a dense, round and fruity but grippy and stimulating Löhrer Berg with fine mineral acidity and a dense and quite powerful finish. Impressive."
Tesch Riesling Königsschild 2020
Den stejle og fossilholdige enkeltmark Königsschild var engang ejet af Karl den Store (den romerske kejser Charlemagne). Terroiret er på niveau med de bedste Grosses Gewächs-marker og byder på Riesling med ekstraordinær finesse og floralitet.
95/100 James Suckling
”So much youthful energy is married to a fruit cocktail of aromas that no mixologist could match. The is that this is super-cool for the warm vintage, with so much drive and precision at the explosive finish.”
95/100 The Fine Wine Review
"Limestone soils with seashell under loess. It’s a homogenous vineyard and did not undergo stress in 2020. Floral, round notes in nose along with some allspice. Slightly rounder in the mouth than the 2019, but similar with citric fruits, some floral notes, and again the allspice. Gentle acidity provides liveliness but does not interfere with the finesse and clarity in the wine. This is a thrilling, electric wine with precision, salinity, and energy. This is the wine with the most finesse and as in 2019, my favorite of the collection."
92/100 Robert Parker
"Tesch's 2020 Riesling Königsschild offers a clear and delicate as well as elegant bouquet of ripe yellow fruits intertwined with almond or nutty aromas. Round, lush and elegant on the palate, this full-bodied Königsschild develops a certain power structured by serious phenols, mineral grip and fine salinity. For Tesch, this is an unusually rich and forceful Riesling. 13% alcohol. Screw cap."
Tesch Riesling Krone 2020
Enkeltmarken Krone er stejl og soleksponeret. Samtidig dræner den sandede jordbund som en si, så vinplanternes rødder må kæmpe hårdt for vand og næring.
I årgang 2020 har Tesch lavet en rislende ren Riesling, der står ud fra mængde med en forrygende intensitet og en helt enestående kerne af citrus-mineralitet.
93+/100 The Fine Wine Review
"The vineyard here is adjacent to the Löhrer Berg and has loess and limestone soils. Because the vineyard is not close to the forest, there’s not a lot of water here and yields are low. Martin said that he took grapes off the vines where there was a lot of hydric stress, and so the yields here were low. The wine has a pure, floral Riesling nose. The mouth is complex and richer than the Löhrer Berg, multifaceted, sumptuous, and with power and elegance to its green and yellow apple fruit."
93/100 James Suckling
”Very crisp, dry and lemony, this medium-bodied dry Riesling has tons of lemon-zest and ripe-apple character. Very crisp with a slightly austere, mineral finish.”
93/100 Robert Parker
"The 2020 Riesling Krone opens with classic Tesch nose: very clear, precise and elegant, with fine but not exuberant citrus fruit and Golden Delicious apple aromas over a fine mineral background. Pure, piquant and immediately salty on the palate, this is a stringent and finely racy Krone with grip, tension and noble bitters on the finish. Possibly one of the most "Tesch" Rieslings of the 2020 single-vineyard collection. The finish is long, pure, dense and stimulating. Excellent."
Tesch Riesling Karthäuser 2020
Karthäuser er en historisk enkeltmark med navn efter Laubenheims vinkyndige karteusermunke, der allerede i Middelalderen så det sydvestvendte amfiteaters potentiale.
Terroirets gunstige beliggenhed og den varme jordbund med røde sandsten giver Riesling med masser af kraft, power og karakter i smagen!
94+/100 The Fine Wine Review
"The nose here is spicy with white pepper, and a dusty/powdered aspect to the red fruits. The mouth has brilliant, penetrating acidity, and it is round and chewy with red fruits. The acidity makes this wine mouthwatering and there is very good energy, a noble austerity, and relative fullness of body."
94/100 James Suckling
”A whole hillside of wild herbs and flowers burst from this diamond-bright dry Riesling. So precise and pure, a straight line shooting into the core of the cristal.”
93/100 Robert Parker
"The 2020 Riesling Karthäuser is discreet and fine on the clear and elegant nose, which reveals a ripe and slightly flinty-scented bouquet of ripe, red apples with notes of crushed (sand) stones. Dense and concentrated on the palate, this is a stunningly rich yet still elegant, fine and structured Karthäuser with fine tannins and a certain phenol reduction that asks for more aeration. This is an impressive terroir wine with a long and salty finish. Very promising."
Tesch Riesling St. Remigiusberg 2020
St. Remigiusberg, kongen af enkeltmarksvinene hos Weingut Tesch, hyldes år efter år som en af Tysklands største tørre hvidvine. Den vulkanske enkeltmark er Nahes mindste, og i 2020 er kvaliteten er ganske enkelt magisk! Sitrende mineralsk og rislende ren med et tropisk strejf i frugten…
95/100 James Suckling
”Stunning nectarine nose with delicate floral touches. Excellent concentration, but every bit as much energy. Bold blood-orange and wild-herb finish that knocks you back in your chair in a really exciting way.”
94/100 The Fine Wine Review
"Tesch’s smallest single vineyard, this wine is round and sensual with citric fruit, finesse, and purity. It is at the same time juicy and elegant."
94/100 Robert Parker
"Tesch's 2020 Riesling St. Remigiusberg opens pure, refined and flinty on the complex but delicate and elegant nose. Full-bodied but pure, fresh, transparent and persistently salty on the palate, this is a finely juicy and finessed Remigiusberg with a long, piquant and salty finish. Great finesse and elegance here and at a reliably high level."
Om Tesch
„Winzer des Jahres 2012“ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Dr. Martin Tesch hører til blandt de højst profilerede og bedst anmeldte tyske vinmagere. Hos den mere end 300 år gamle familieproducent i Langenlonsheim ved Nahe-floden laves først og fremmest Riesling.
Sådan var det ikke altid. I 1996 overtog den 29 årige mikrobiolog Martin Tesch ansvaret for familiens vinhus. På overfladen et fredeligt generationsskifte, men i virkeligheden starten på en nådesløs revolution!
Først blev et utal af druesorter revet op med rode – og erstattet af Riesling. Så skiftede Martin fokus til en mere tør hvidvinsstil. I 2005 fulgte en opgradering til førsteklasses ”Stelvin Lux”-skruelåg, og nogle år senere besluttede Martin at forlade det fine VDP-selskab (foreningen af tyske topproducenter). Martin Tesch lader hverken traditioner eller VDP-regeltyranni stå i vejen for ægte kvalitetsfremskridt! Kompromisløsheden kostede gamle kunder, men nye og kvalitetsbevidste har for længst meldt sig under fanerne.
Weingut Tesch råder over 5 af Tysklands fineste terroirs. Alle med hældning mod syd, og alle i ly af bakker mod vest. Kvaliteten af enkeltmarkerne Karthaüser, St. Remigiusberg, Königsschild, Krone og Löhrer Berg svarer til ”Grosse Lage”, Tysklands "Grand Cru".
Ved siden af de klassiske enkeltmarkvine er Weingut Tesch kendt for sine innovative konceptvine. Knastørre ”Riesling Unplugged” gør oprør mod sukkersminket mainstream-Riesling, mens den flot udstyrede gaveæske ”Vineyard Box” giver mulighed for at sammenligne Riesling fra forskellige terroirs.
Weingut Tesch leverer vin til adskillige tyske toprestauranter samt kvalitetsorienterede vinhandlere i mere end 20 lande på verdensplan. Husets stil er krystalren, tør, ultrafrisk, elegant og saftig Riesling.
Grøn produktion og bæredygtighed har stor betydning hos Tesch. I vinmarken anvendes ingen kemiske sprøjtemidler, og husets vine aftappes i letvægtsflasker med 98% genbrug.