Tesch Riesling Smagekasse - Single Vineyard Library Selection

Tesch Riesling Smagekasse - Single Vineyard Library Selection
Supervin's unikke vingaranti
Hvis du ikke er tilfreds med kvaliteten, tilbyder vi at tage vinen retur. Du refunderes det fulde beløb for vinen, også for den første åbnede flaske. Vi betaler selvfølgelig returfragten. (maks. 1 md. efter levering).
“Only a few are aware of the enormous ageing potential of great Rieslings. The complexity of the single vineyard Rieslings increases enormously with a few years of age - everything becomes more intense. You can experience this today: Strictly limited - single vineyard Rieslings perfectly matured on the estate.“ – Dr. Martin Tesch
Officielt er alle flaskerne udsolgt for længst … Disse op til 8 år gamle “Library wines” er hemmelige skatkammervine af udgåede årgange, som Weingut Tesch har kældermodnet under optimale forhold, indtil de nu er klar til at vise nogle heldige få, hvor meget større og mere kompleks Riesling fra Tesch bliver med alder.
Læs bare Robert Parkers anbefaling…
”From my private archive, I tasted a set of matured Rieslings from Tesch … The results encourage me in saying that Tesch’s Rieslings need at least five to seven years to reveal their true class … these are ageworthy wines that gain enourmously complexity with bottle age.”
PS - Kassen indeholder bl.a. den sjældne "Family Reserve" fra Rothenberg samt to vine fra Nahes legendariske årgang 2016:
"No German Riesling region can boast more consistent and distinctively delicious success in vintage 2016 than the Nahe" – Vinous
Smagekassen indeholder:
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Karthäuser Nahe 2016
”93 points. Expertly packed with a slew of mineral and leesy character … with the structure and length to gain for many another five years in bottle and live for a lot longer than that.” – James Suckling
”92 points. Great class … The 2016 is one of the finest Karthäuser Rieslings from Martin Tesch that I can remember. A highly elegant and complex Riesling” (Drink date: 2017–2030) – Robert Parker
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Löhrer Berg Nahe 2016
”91 points. Really stimulating! … This is an excellent representative of the gravelly clay soils of the Löhrer Berg” (Drink date: 2018–2030) – Robert Parker
"91 points. Just beginning to give its best…” – James Suckling
“91 points. Touches of smoke and petrol lend drama to bright yellow peach and lemon in this silky dry wine.” – Wine Enthusiast
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Krone 2019
”94 points. 50 shades of lemon! … Juicy yet delicate flavors keep you hanging on in there.” – James Suckling
“94 points. Beautifully balanced, finishing long and delicious on a flinty mineral note.” – Natalie Maclean
”92 points. The 2019 Krone is substantial and should be a beauty in 6-10 years” (Drink date: 2026–2036) – Robert Parker
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Rothenberg “Family Reserve” 2020
“93 points. A hyper-refreshing wine. Sleek and focused, but also with such a polished finish that it’s easy to enjoy, in spite of being a bone-dry riesling” – James Suckling
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Löhrer Berg Nahe 2020
”94 points. So juicy that you don’t need to understand anything about Riesling to have a party with this dry wine. Super balance from beginning to end! ” – James Suckling
“94 point. I min verden Tesch´s signaturvin, der besidder alt, hvad en god riesling skal have.” - Vinexpressen
”93 points. Shows brilliant clarity and precision." – The Fine Wine Review
”92 points. This is a dense, round and fruity but grippy and stimulating Löhrer Berg with fine mineral acidity and a dense and quite powerful finish. Impressive." – Robert Parker
1 fl. Tesch Riesling Königsschild 2021
”95+ points. Königsschild is my perennial favorite of Tesch’s wines. This is pure, focused, precise wine with depth and lime minerality.” – The Fine Wine Review
“94 points. Long, very elegant finish with an oyster shell minerality.” - James Suckling
”93 points. This is an excellent dry Riesling ” – Robert Parker